SIG Co-Founder Mae Marks | 502.758.1801

Mae is a high energy, detail-driven Senior Project Lead with a degree in Sports Business. With a deep understanding of Louisville’s economic development landscape and  trademark knack for recognizing unique opportunities, Mae sets out each day to ask Big Questions.

SIG Co-Founder, Jan Winter | 502.939.3707

Jan’s journey through the world of sports and business journalism has been transformative, touching lives and opening doors as far back as women and children having been playing organized soccer in this country. Jan’s words, whether forged by her pen or keyboard, have taken her around the world.

Jan has two superpowers: her ability to craft narratives that resonate and her skill in building genuine consensus among even the most diverse groups. Through her articulate expression of ideas and intentions, she ensures that every member of a collaboration feels included and emboldened.

Her trajectory took a pivotal turn when her children started playing soccer. What began with sideline volunteering as a supportive soccer mom evolved into a role as an international consultant for pioneering soccer projects across four continents. Jan’s expertise, particularly in grassroots initiatives, is aimed at expanding the beautiful game to players of all abilities and ages, including those with disabilities.

Jan is the trailblazing first woman to lead her local league, to oversee U.S. Soccer’s special events in Kentucky, and establish soccer leagues for children with special needs within the state. Her influence extended to national platforms where she was the inaugural speaker on disabled soccer at USSF and NSCAA (now USC) conventions. This led to invitations to introduce the innovative “buddy method” in Italy, Australia, and Brazil and across the US. 

Jan is proud of having recruited and managed more than 500 volunteers for the 10-day Louisville segment of the inaugural CONCACAF Women’s Gold Cup and managing Louisville’s hosting of the USSF AGM. Her grant writing has secured millions of dollars for nonprofits and NGOs across Europe, Africa, South America, and her home turf. Her efforts also brought renowned coaches from the English Premier League, Major League Soccer, and USSF to Louisville for youth skills clinics.

Jan’s value in every project consistently paved the way for her next big opportunity. She has penned governance documents for some of soccer’s most prestigious bodies, from U.S. Youth Soccer to UEFA. Her rare talent for shepherding the challenging process of collaborative writing was instrumental in developing educational components for the highest coaching credential in European soccer, the Pro Licence.

Wherever there’s been a chance to make soccer more inclusive and enjoyable, Jan has stepped up. Her career is a passionate crusade for enhancing the player experience. For someone who’s never played the game herself, Jan knows that soccer has been incredibly rewarding to her. Her story is a testament to how passion for a sport, combined with dedication and exceptional skill, can create lasting impact and new horizons for countless others.