SIG Pro Accelerator: Get SMARTER Faster

Rapidly advance your ambition goals

Learn about sport financial literacy 

Reduce money worries 

Connect with top women’s business mentors

National reach

Sport + Impact Group (SIG) is bringing a sports business course to all U.S. professional women’s soccer teams. Pro players need to think of themselves as entrepreneurs, with one product to sell: themselves.


By partnering with the Cyprus-based Sports Financial Literacy Academy, we present the very latest in global sports business information. By partnering with the National Association of Women Business Owners, we connect players to a network of local professionals who can guide every aspect of financial growth. 


Players learn how to make more money, handle money better, make smarter money decisions, and take advantage of every opportunity.  The SIG Pro Accelerator™ sets a new standard for equitable access, player education, and future-minded support of The Beautiful Game.

Gain Exclusive Advantages

Learn how to navigate the global soccer market 

Network to guide your earning education 

Make a personal ambition board

Learn how to activate your collective bargaining rights

Learn to make smarter money decisions

Worry less, play better

2024 SIG Pro Accelerator

Half-day in-person kick off event 

6 months of virtual and real-world learning opportunities

Create and launch your legacy plan 

Meet former collegiate and pro athletes turned businesswomen